It may be time to use a Mac once again, once I can afford it. I've been meaning to play around with OS X for a while, and I'd like to buy a laptop, so the Macbook Pro may be a target machine in the near future. I have decided to wait until Apple upgrades the Macbook Pro to the Core 2 Duo, and it'd be nice to get the latest version of the operating system tacked on. I feel that Apple may be my best option for a laptop, considering the form factor seems to rival those of other manufacturers and will provide me with the ability to run Windows or Linux if I choose. The last time I had a Mac was an LPII (I think that's the model, it's above the Mac Classic) was my family's first PC, and at the time I really hated how much Mac OS restricted my ability to tinker with the operating system, but with the switch to Darwin Unix, I've been wanting to give it a shot. The reason for the wait for the Core 2 Duo is: a) funding and b) 64-bit OS support. I hope it will be soon though.
The other upgrade I am awaiting is for my PC. I'm looking to either adopt AMD's 4x4 platform that will be coming out soon or a dual-core AMD chip. I am sticking with AMD because it will be cheap, it runs on a matured platform, and I'll be able to upgrade to the AM3 chips in the coming years. My current PC will be "demoted" to a media PC; I'll just have to purchase an HD card for it, and an HDTV of course. I hope that despite all of the expenses I have to accomodate for my parents I will be able to make this purchases within the next 6 months, but it is hard to tell at this point.
Time to enjoy my two weeks off before I start my new job as a Software Engineer. I've sold my soul but I hope that I will remain me and still have some me-time.
Later Kids!